HISTORY FILE FOR QUIZARD'S MOUNTAIN =================================== Version 4.1 ----------- Added routines to check for the existance of CATEGORY.DAT and at least one Question file (which should have been in there in the first place!) Inadvertantly left the two Question files out of v4.0. Included in the .ZIP now. Version 4.0 ----------- (02-16-92) Well, the long-awaited and long-overdue conversion from the old DoorPch library is finally completed. About the only significant changes are in the configuration file. The first 4 lines stay the same. The category filenames and display names now go in a separate file called CATEGORY.DAT (see the enclosed file for the format). You do not need to specify the number of categories on the first line and do not put the / at the end of each entry. There are 2 entries on each line of the CATEGORY.DAT file. The first is the actual DOS filename and the second is the name of the Category you want displayed on the screen. For example: GENERAL.DAT/General Topics Note the / in between! For those of you who have registered before, you will need to call MicroNet for your new registration number. The old QUIZARD.REG file will no longer work. WARNING: Make sure you back up your old files before installing this new version. CHANGES AND UPGRADES IN QUIZARD'S MOUNTAIN V. 3.0+ ================================================== 01-13-89 -------- Recompiled with DoorPch 3.4. No changes were made to Quizard's itself. This version of DoorPch allows for a bug in the IBM BIOS c. 1982 which would lock up under previous versions of DoorPch. Changed version number to avoid confusion with 3.0 compiled under DoorPch 3.3. 10-2-88 ------- Recompiled with DoorPch 3.3. According to the authors, DoorPch 3.2 had a bug in figuring the users remaining time. Although I have not experienced it on my system, I did the recompile just to be on the safe side. No other changes were made. 9-26-88 ------- Recompiled with DoorPch 3.2 to provide compatibility with PCBoard 14.0. Both the ANSI and non-ANSI versions have been combined so it is no longer necessary to run two doors. The program will first check to see if the user is in graphics mode and if so will continue on. If not, he is given the option to switch to graphics mode. Removed requirement that the Demo version use my name and BBS name. You may now use your own, however, it will still say 'Evaluation Copy' until the program is registered. CHANGES AND UPGRADES IN QUIZARD'S MOUNTAIN V. 1.7 AND 2.1 ========================================================= 6-29-88 ------- Version 1.7 is now totally compatible with version 2.1. In fact it is exactly the same except it doesn't require an ANSI compatible system. You may run both versions from the same directory and they will access the same Question databases, WIZARDS.DAT, QUIZARDx.CFG and use the same QUIZARD2.SYS file. However, you must still have two DOORS on the menu since one batch file must run QUIZARD.EXE and the other runs QUIZARD2.EXE. Both versions now use the internal bulletin function of DOORPCH31. Therefore the Bulletin path is no longer used in the .CFG files. In it's place you must enter the number of Categories available. Hopefully this will eliminate those nasty Error 52 messages! I recommend you run both programs before any of your users since you must answer some questions pertaining to number of names to be listed, Bulletin path, etc. The program will create two bulletin files: QUIZARD.BUL and QUIZARD2.BUL. If you would like to have only one Bulletin, I suggest you add a line in the Door batch file to copy one .BUL file over the other. For example: For 1.7 For 2.1 ======= ======= ECHO OFF ECHO OFF CD\PCB\DOORS CD\PCB\DOORS QUIZARD QUIZARD.CFG QUIZARD2 QUIZARD.CFG COPY QUIZARD.BUL QUIZARD2.BUL COPY QUIZARD2.BUL QUIZARD.BUL CD\PCB CD\PCB BOARD BOARD Quizard's now detects when a player has answered all available questions in a particular Category and instead of resetting all pointers then, it will switch to another Category. The pointers are not reset until all questions in every Category have been answered. This will prevent a user learning all the questions in one Category and answering them over and over. Especially useful for Categories that have only a few questions in them! The Observe Spell now prompts for a date instead of displaying the whole log. The default is the date he last played the game or today's date if he is a new player. CHANGES AND UPGRADES IN QUIZARD'S MOUNTAIN V. 2.0 ================================================= 5-30-88 ------- This version of QM has finally removed the necessity to run the daily maintenance utility thru the Event.sys! It now runs itself when the first player of the day logs on. QM2 is compiled using Doorpch 3.1 so you must have the file DORPCH31.EXE in the default directory or in your path. Put it in the same directory as BRUN30.EXE and you should be ok. You also need to add a system variable to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Add: SET DOORPCH=PCB You may now use punctuation in the answers. Periods, commas, hyphens etc. will be inserted in the hint line (which has changed from dots to down arrows) however, they are not automatically entered in the answer so the player must include them himself. QM2 uses cursor addressing which requires the player have an ANSI compatible system. You might want to consider keeping version 1.6 online if you have a number of users with Commodores, Atari's, etc. The player's Status, Time and available Spells are now kept on-screen at all times so the Status and Time spells have been removed. The Refresh Spell has been added to redraw the screen in case the screen gets messed up due to line noise, etc. IMPORTANT! The COM port number formerly in line 1 of the .CFG file is no longer used. It must be removed or you will get an error. The /NETWORK parameter in multi-node systems is no longer needed and must also be removed. Last and best. QM2 now allows multiple Question files!! You may call these databases anything you want, such as GENERAL.DAT, SPORTS.QST, etc. You must put the filenames in your QUIZARDx.CFG file. The Question database filenames start on line 6 and you may have up to 30 databases. Make sure they are valid DOS filenames since the program uses these to create the answer files for each database i.e. GENERAL.ANS, SPORTS.ANS, etc. Since the filenames are entered in each .CFG file, multi-node systems could have entirely different questions for each Node! Example QUIZARD.CFG: C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS MicroNet PCBoard <- Must not Ted <- be changed Freeman <- in Demo version! 4 <- Number of Categories that follow. GENERAL.DAT/GENERAL KNOWLEDGE/ <- Doesn't matter what you call them as long SPORTS.DAT/SPORTS TRIVIA/ <- as the database filename comes first and SCIENCE.QST/SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY/ <- the Category names have slashes before MOVIES.FIL/TELEVISION & MOVIES/ <- and after.